Wednesday, August 30, 2006


question. . .

Who would you choose? (link)


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Interesting list:

Something for a Sunday

Top 100 Pro-Catholic

From the
National Catholic Register. (link)

I am very sorry that

this work is so necessary... (link)

but I am also very thankful to
God that it is being done!


Season four

G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle
of Common Sense

the wonderful series from
EWTN (link) is currently in

The Blog of the American
Chesterton Society.

is advertising that the videos
& DVD's of the first three
seasons are now available.

Very neat, Mrs. B:)

Once again...

most interesting articles from
Rome-ing Catholics (link)


A Penitent Blogger (link)

St. John the Baptist (link)

whose death is remembered
this day.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

HB. . .


Friday, August 25, 2006

The Nine Choirs of Angels

The subject of angels (link)
was brought up in an inter-

esting Haiku written in the
comments below.

As I can never remember their
complete order, I figured I'd
better look it up:)

Many thanks to the poet
who stopped by~

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Please pray for

fellow blogger Jen P. (link),
and her family, as her dad is
not well...

& for our dear friend Terry's
dear friend, also. (link)

May the grace and peace of
our Lord Jesus Christ be with
them always.

Thank You Lord,


Coming soon...

Wuthering Heights
graphic novel

Pictures & large print!

& a new production of
Jane Eyre (link) is in the
works, also...

Info found thanks to the
Bronte Parsonage Museum
& Bronte Society

& the
Bronte Parsonage

Check it out
in Chinese, (link) too!

(Pen below linked to the
American Belloc Society,
linked also to the right,
which provided the links
to the Bronte sites.)

Like the shoemaker

from the tale, I don't want to
scare away the elves...

But "thank you!" anyway, not
only for the visits,

but for all the many hugs:)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why is it

that the

"to do" list

is always different from


"want to do" list? (link)

Oh, this will do:)


First Things' (link)
(newly linked on the

On the Square. (link)

Thanks to the
National Catholic Register. (link)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Psalm 45: On the Queenship

of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

"... the queen takes her
place at your right hand
in gold of Ophir."

Read more about it at
Rome-ing Catholics. (link)

I wonder if I would be

eligible? (link)

Monday, August 21, 2006

An online poll

Priests for Life (link)
asks if *people have a
right to distribute campaign
literature on cars in church
parking lots.

I checked no, I don't believe
that they're supposed to, or
should. That's government busi-
ness & Christ pretty much made
it clear that church business is all
that should be conducted in His
Father's house.

That said,
Christ is always with
me in the voting booth.

*However, if the Church wants
to distribute information (on any
subject), in their own parking lot,
I'm all for it!

Good question-

Judge G... (link)-

& I also appreciate
this. (link)

Welcome to the [cricket]
blogroll, Your Honor:)

Some quotes from GKC

Terry writes well about
many saints & saints-to-be...

He finally posted his thoughts

on the big guy, (link) complete
with a Chesterton self-portrait.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

This is fun

Check out which
tune was #1 (link)
the year you born-
or for any occasion
dating back to 1952.

Thanks to
BMP over at
Christus Vincit (link)
for the link.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Have added a new

podcast to the links
on the right...
Catholic Exchange
Podcast Portal,

with Mark Shea &
John Morales.

Thanks to
Terry, (link) for the
link to
Mark's blog. (link)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Just hit the

"Play" button...


Check out the cover

for the next issue of
Gilbert Magazine. (link)

The art is courtesy of the
talented artists at

Very neat!


You Are an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

On the surface, you're a little plain - but you have many subtle dimensions to your personality.

Sometimes you're down to earth and crunchy. Other times, you're sweet and a little gooey.

Plain and gooey...

That's me!

Maybe I'll make the

Christus Vincit Podcasting (link)

list for the Good, the Bad, & the



& thanks to

Michelle the Mermaid (link)

for the cookie quiz:)

Way back in the Stones' Age

no one over thirty
was to be trusted.

Well, we're all another
day older... (link)

& hopefully wiser!

Thursday, August 17, 2006!!!


you were right! (link)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Congratulations to

Nancy C. Brown:)

Whose blog
Flying Stars (link)
has been mentioned
over at the
Catholic Register.

Great job, Mrs B!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

*The Assumption into Heaven

by Dan Paulos

whose work is posted

thanks to (& is available
at) Trinity Stores. (link)

*Read more about the
Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
from Terry


Penitens. (link)

Monday, August 14, 2006

A great post

A Penitent Blogger. (link)

Read about dear
Maximilian Kolbe, (link),
a priest who offered his
life in place of another
at Auschwitz- he died
65 years ago today.

(The heart below is
linked to a site found
courtesy of Dawn Eden's
The Dawn Patrol. (link)

Well, I'm doing it again-

linking to one of Terry's posts:
Status Anxiety- revisited. (link)

Question: Didn't this used to be

called "keeping up with the Jone-

& didn't the people, who have
honed the gotta-have-the-
what-the-cost mania into an

almost comically predictable &
successful target group for ad
campaigns- ("Yeah, let's aim it
toward those aging boomers-
they'll buy anything- the higher
the $$$ the better! And let's tell
them it makes them look young-
er, too!")

Right- & 50's the new 20 :p

Back to the question: Didn't the
aging boomers used to refer
to folks years ago as being
"plastic" because they consi-
dered them so materialistic?

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I
do consider this an objective
observation of the facts- but is

this an example of irony, hypo-
crasy, or both?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Excellent posts

from Terry, as usual...

Rather than blab on

your blog, (link) Terry,
as usual- I'm going to
comment here, briefly.

I do understand about
not being too literal- and
I know that you know
that I know that you
know, what you're talk-
ing about.

So, just so you know, I'm
not taking down my little
mini-statues & magnets &
holy cards that I have at

Other people display what
they like-

& this is America...

so... Yay!



Saturday, August 12, 2006


insisting that they read
first book, (link),
Dawn! (link)


No more commentary,
Terry? (link)

Not on
Abbey-Roads, either?

What happened? I'll
have to comment here
from now on, & refer to
your posts...

n'est pas?


A new commenter (hey Kelvin:)
with some interesting blogs (link)
linked to one of my faves. (link)

Check out
#498. (link)

Friday, August 11, 2006


Ok- have been blogging
for a little over a year now...

Want to get into the archives,
but I can't get those little pen-
cils to appear that allow for
quick editting...


Well- have to ask...

Is there a specific incantation?

& thank you much, in advance

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A new addition

to my bookmark
collection, on my
shelf at work...


means believing
the incredible, or
it is no virtue at all.


means hoping
when things
are hopeless, or
it is no virtue at all.

And Charity

means pardoning
what is
unpardonable, or it
is no virtue at all."

-GK Chesterton

Liking it!

(not liking that pics
won't upload)


Have been enjoying

listening to some neat audios
from EWTN's library, including

EWTN's series, Bookmark. (link)

Hear Joseph Pearce, Fr. George
Rutler, Dr. Alice von Hildebrand
& others interviewed by series
host Doug Keck...

I wonder if I can find

Richard Geraghty in their
audio library, too?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's August!


Don't forget to vote
Podcast Alley (link)
for your favorite pod-

& once again, g'bye
& stay well 'til next
week- will catch up
with you then!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Have been tagged for a

One Book Meme by
Brian Michael Page
Christus Vincit (link)...

Gotta think- some are definitely
easier to answer than others...

1. One book that changed your life:

(Besides the Bible) My own copy of
Dr. Spock:)

2. One book that you've read more
than once:

Freckles, by Gene Stratton-Porter
Briefly considered becoming a forest
ranger after reading this book for the
umpteenth time.

3. One book that you'd want on a
desert island:

I like Chesterton's answer, &
Brian Michael Page's answer-
although I think the Shipbuilder's
Guide for Dummies ought to
do it~

4. One book that made you laugh:

The Sneetches and Other Stories
by Dr. Seuss- especially the story
about the pants with nobody in

5. One book that made me cry:

This one was easy- I, Judas by
Taylor Caldwell- one of the books
given to Joseph Pearce at a Ches-
terton conference in order to
introduce him to her writings...
although my mom will insist that
Dear and Glorious Physician is
her best work. To which I will
add that although D&GP is
magnificent, when Christ dies
on the Cross, (within the pages
of I, Judas- told in "first person"
by Judas Iscariot) & we read
"Behold the Lamb of God Who
takes away the sins of the world,"
as He is dying...

I still lose it.

6. One book you wish had been
An intelligent work on the Second
Coming of Christ.

7. One book you wish had never
been written:

8. One book you're currently reading:

Well, it would be The Three Ys Men
by Joseph Pearce, which I ordered back
in April- but it hasn't been sent yet.

9. One book you've been meaning
to read:
Anything by Richard Geraghty.

Thanks again to Brian Michael Page- &
am now passing the meme along by
tagging Melodybleu, Michelle, Thomas,
Terry & Nick.

Was thisclose

to sending an email
to a fellow blogger, but
have decided to ask
outright, instead.

Is the American Chester-
ton Society
in need
of volunteer typists for
data entry? If so, where
to apply?

At the very least, if the
text were typed up & sent
via email, then edited &
checked for punctuation,
etc. - maybe it would be
of some service...?

Do the ChesterTeens (link)
help in such a way?

Anybody know...



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