The Mule's Shadow
By Ernestine Cobern Beyer
By Ernestine Cobern Beyer
Long ago it came to pass,
A Roman far from home,
Decided he would hire a mule
To carry him to Rome.
The sun was hot. The man grew tired,
And soon he thought it best.
To slide down from the mule he'd hired
And take a noonday rest.
Dismounting from his weary mule,
He sat within its shade-
The pleasant shadow, small but cool,
Which this poor creature made.
The owner of the donkey cried:
"Arise this instant, Sire!
You only hired my donkey's hide-
His shadow's not for hire!"
The other said: "Tut, tut, you fool!
Be off! Be off with you!
I hired the shadow and the mule;
You can't divide the two!"
Well, while they wrangled, yea and nay,
With loud emphatic rhythm,
The little donkey ran away
And took his shadow with 'im!
From:Read Me a Rhyme, Please! (link)
by Barbara Beyer Malley
Verses by ECB
Illustrations by Leo Harrington
Available at Barnes and Noble.
Hi Rhapsody ~ I really liked The Mule Poem, even if it's meant for kids. It's
nice. Thanks for your comments. Glad you liked the post.I hope tomorrow is a lovely day for you. Take care, Merle.
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