Monday, March 26, 2007

From Read Me a Rhyme, Please!

The Laughing Willow

By Ernestine Cobern Beyer
Beside a pool within a wood
A family of willows stood.
They could not rest, they could not sleep;
All they did was weep and weep.
Indeed, they wept, this willow clan,
As they have wept since time began.

Imagine, then, the pain and grief
That shook the willows, root and leaf,
When suddenly beside the pool
The youngest willow broke the rule!
A woodsy laughter, small and thinned,
Fell lightly on the summer wind.

"Weep!" cried all the willow crowd.
"To laugh is simply not allowed!"
But though they showed him what to do,
And gave him Sobbing Lessons, too,
The youngest willow, small and daft,
Just tossed his arms and laughed and laughed!

Many, many thanks
Barbara Beyer Malley
the okay to post:)


Tumblewords: said...

Interesting story! I enjoyed reading the first few of your posts and will return to read more!

rhapsody said...

Thank you, Tumblewords:)

Your blogs look interesting, too!

Michelle said...

That was so beautiful.....great way to begin my day..thankyou ;)

rhapsody said...

Thanks for writing, Michelle:)

I was so happy Barbara Malley gave me permission to post it-

& she will appreciate knowing that others have enjoyed it as well!

Anonymous said...

Her poems always make me smile. Thank you for sharing this.

Libby said...

this was the best poem i've read in a long time! & it did make me smile & feel good!

Unknown said...

Delightful poem! Thanks for sharing.

Barbara said...

I appreciate so much all these lovely comments about my mother's poetry. She would be thrilled, too, and Jeeves (her name for her subconscious helper) would be too.
Ernestine's daughter


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