Thursday, January 12, 2006

Have mentioned before

that my mom & I
have been slowly
but surely getting
some of our favorite
authors & periodicals
into public & school

One of those publi-
cations is The Saint
Austin Review, which
is linked to the right,
& on the banner below.

Made a call to them
about my mom's sub-
scription, & was told
I'd have to speak to the


Well, he was not in
his office so I left a
message. I'm quite
sure that I made at
least one horrific
grammatical error-
one that I have never
made before in my
life, & am praying
that my message was
coherent otherwise.

Will let you know if
he gets back to me!

Altho I'm afraid I'm
going to get an 'F'
for my poor English!



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