Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Barbara Beyer Malley!

Six years ago, in October of 2005, I received a comment on a post about my favorite childhood poem, The Laughing Willow, by Ernestine Cobern Beyer. I was thrilled to find that Ernestine's daughter Barbara had written - and so began a friendship that, technically, due to technology, is a reality today.

A Very Happy 90th Birthday, Barbara!!

And please comment (or email) on how your flight went yesterday, when you have the chance...

Too, visit Barbara's blog: Tears and Laughter at 90,

and her daughter, Dr. Kathleen Malley-Morrison's website:
Engaging Peace, for interesting, edifying, and entertaining insights from this very dear and gifted family.

Saturday, August 13, 2011



I cannot post on most blogs anymore - just sometimes anonymously, but not while I'm logged in...

Anybody know what's going on?


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